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Struggling to overcome your breakup? Are you tired of

  • missing "him" almost every day?

  • being angry at him?

  • feeling that life is somehow empty since your breakup?

Get over your ex for good!

In working with clients who struggle with letting go of a past relationship here’s what I've noticed: Most women face the same top 5 challenges:

  • They feel profound sadness and pain over their loss - even months or years after the breakup.
  • So many things remind them of their ex and all the hurt he caused them. Over and over again, they feel frustrated and even angry.
  • Self-doubt keeps creeping in and their self-esteem is shaken.
  • They are highly reluctant to venture into an intimate relationship again for fear of being hurt or simply to avoid another disappointment.
  • Life feels for the most part empty and joyless, with no future improvement in sight.

Sounds like you? If yes, just click on the button below to download my free ebook "5 Surprising Mistakes Even Smart Women Make After a Breakup". In this guide, you’ll discover what these mistakes are and learn easy-to-implement strategies to begin letting go of your ex with grace and ease so you can start to feel better almost instantly.

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Woman Change Overcoming

Not healing from past relationships fully can keep even the smartest and most professionally successful women from

  • enjoying life again
  • reclaiming their self-esteem, healthy optimism, and personal power
  • confidently taking charge of their life
  • finding a new love and moving on to a fulfilling relationship with a special someone who really appreciates them and treats them accordingly and
  • in some cases, even from being as fit and healthy as they could be

The power of change

I've been there, too...

I know firsthand how difficult it can be to overcome the loss of someone who was close to your heart. For years, the end of any kind of relationship made me feel sad, resentful, guilty and rejected. I went through the whole spectrum of negative, stressful feelings.

At the time, it seemed that this was just who I was, how (my) life was. Then, I discovered that coaching can create almost instant change. I also found out that some methods were much more effective than others in dissolving painful emotions and healing past hurts.

Choose your path
Ursula Beste

Time for change

With these advanced coaching techniques, one issue after the other evaporated into thin air. I became more and more relaxed and at ease. Formerly distressing memories were no longer an issue. Personal and professional relationships became so much more fulfilling - virtually as a by-product.

Today, I experience life with more contentment and serenity than I ever thought possible. Moreover, I can use all the learnings and insights from my healing journey to help other women shift from sadness, frustration, and anger to peace of mind, serenity, and joy so they can lead a more fulfilling life.


Ursula is a true treasure. With authenticity, insightfulness, and a solid knowledge base she gently guides clients in transforming those sensitive life moments with grace and ease. Her warmth and professionalism made it easy for me to let go of those old limiting beliefs that were holding me back. Thank you, Ursula!


Ursula is the ultimate professional with a compassionate heart. Skillful and insightful, she has released my heart to feel more compassion for myself after the death of our second child. Her skill to follow the threads of old beliefs and trauma and release them ever so gently has given me peace every time I have worked with her.

Irene H.USA

Your next step

No one should suffer for months or even years after the end of a relationship and I am convinced that nobody has to. Yet even smart women are often unable to recover fully from a breakup on their own. Does this sound like you?

If yes, I want to invite you on a journey of transformation. A journey where you'll move beyond all that breakup pain to feeling serene, empowered, and confident so you can create a life you love.

To get started now just click on the button below to download my free ebook "5 Surprising Mistakes Even Smart Women Make After a Breakup" With this guide, you’ll discover what these mistakes are and learn easy-to-implement strategies to begin letting go of your ex with grace and ease so you can start to feel better almost instantly.

Bird of freedom

About Ursula Beste

Ursula is a Certified Coach and expert in several cutting-edge modalities. After healing her own past hurts and challenges with overcoming relationship losses, Ursula started to help other women in their healing journey. She specializes in working with women to help them move on after a failed relationship combining effective strategies with highly advanced transformational mindset tools.

Ursula created The Relationship Cure Program to support women after a breakup to heal from past hurtful experiences, reclaim their personal power and inner peace to start a new fulfilling life, and thrive again.

Many women never get over a breakup fully. Do you want to be one of them but don’t know how this is even possible? The answer to that depends on your individual situation and needs. That’s why I offer a 1-1 Breakup Recovery Session so we can explore what the main obstacle is that keeps you from letting go of that relationship and what you can do to get over your loss.

Feel free to email me at if you can't find a time that works for you and I'll get right back to you. I look forward to speaking to you soon! .